The E-waste drama by companies that doesn’t solve anything for the planet.

Manas Sadhanala
Manas Notes


Back when Apple announced that it doesn't ship a charger with the iPhone, many people acknowledged the move. The same gimmick was made by Samsung and other manufacturer's too.

Their explanation for this is that they are gonna save the environment and the carbon emissions. The truth is far from reality.

These companies are money minded and when there is was to make a side income they follow it. Not including chargers is one thing but then selling them separately for a price is completely different.

They have made a second income stream out of not mobiles but just chargers. They stopped providing earphones too. Now earphones are sold as separate items rather than an accessory that is bundled with the mobile.

If an Android user moves to iOS, he has to buy an iPhone charger that works for its lightning cable because the Android chargers with USB outputs don’t work. When you move from iOS to Android, you have to buy a USB-C out put or USB-A out put cable and charger because the iPhone one’s don’t work.

A windows laptop has normal USB ports while a Macbook has thunderbolt port. These mixed choices of the companies are causing lots of financial damage to consumers and environmental damage for the planet with all the E-Waste.

This dirty move helped Apple make 5 billion according to the daily mail. Samsung follows suit to this and copies Apple by not providing Galaxy devices users with chargers and earphones.

The root problem:

When the companies can give you a run for your money, they will. When there is a new device launched, the hype built on the internet is unconfined. These companies are making us fools by selling us stuff that doesn’t last longer.

When we bought mobiles a few years back, you had everything in it. They lasted for a a minimum of five years without any huge issues. The devices these days work for a year or two and then start acting up.

Unless the consumers wake up and oppose this cheap money making tactic the companies like Apple and Samsung use, we end up paying a lot more for a lot less in the near future.

Europe has already started fighting back. Europe has proposed a common charger rule where every company has to make a common charging port and also have standard wireless charging options. This move is welcomed by many and must be implemented worldwide.

When a consumer buys a mobile, laptop or a tablet, they have the right to get it repaired and to use it with latest security updates for a minimum of five years. Unless the consumers wake up and demand from the companies, they keep getting bigger and for trillion dollar companies that eat you alive.

I often wondered what Apple saved by not providing charger and earphones. A Reddit post by BeckburyWolf1 shows how much waste there is to purchasing the accessories for a new iPhone. This is a serious problem to deal with and the companies are making money off us.

By removing something from one place, they are putting the garbage in another place and making money in the middle. I sincerely hope that along with Europe, all other countries follow suit and make the companies come to their senses by asking them to provide what consumers need.

Educated people like Elizabeth Warren have also urged others like US to follow suit. If the other countries that boast technology and advancements join this revolution, we will then solve environmental as well as our money spending crisis.



A regular Quora and medium reader. Indian by birth, banker by profession, blogger by passion and a Hindu by belief.